About the Cat’s Human Companion
Rosemary Augustine has written numerous books on topics of creative writing and cat humor. She is listed in Who’s Who of American Women. Rosemary has been writing since she was a teenager and published her first book in 1995. A native of southern New Jersey, Rosemary Augustine spent most of her adult life living in Colorado and returned to the Philadelphia area in 2001. A writer since her teens, she primarily writes non-fiction and “how to” books. She has written and published over 15 books. As both the author and the publisher, she has helped many other authors navigate the business of publishing through group and individual consulting. An avid writer, she maintains a daily journaling practice that generates creativity through stream of consciousness. Rosemary is also the author of 365 Days of Creative Writing, 29 Things to Do, and A Survivor’s Guide to Emergency Preparedness. In 2015, Rosemary relocated to Melbourne, Florida with her famous kitty Ziggy, the featured feline in Secrets I Learned. Several months after Ziggy’s passing, Oscar and Buttercup were adopted and became the new representatives of Ziggy’s Secrets and continue to carry the feline stories both at this website and on several social media sites under the name of Ziggy’s Secrets.
Learn more about Rosemary as an artist and author at: www.RosemaryAugustine.com